Thank God for such wonderful friends!!!!!!

Sea Turtle

Sea Turtle

Sunday, March 29, 2009


You are turning 4 this year!Time has flew by fast, from this very day I can remember when you were being born and your sister and I were throwing Skittles across the waiting room we couln't wait to see you. Luckily for us, we got in trouble for doing that!I never wanted you to grow up because I'm afraid you want run to me anymore and hug me as tight as you can and say"I'm your boy,I love you"!But I guess your going to grow up nomatter how much I don't want you to.I'm sitting here crying because you soon will be 10 and be embarresed to do that but we can still tell all our memories we had.You will always be one of the people that you will never fall through my fingers nomatter what.I truly do love you and I am not embarresed to say that!You are my boy and I love you!
Your best cousin,


1.This week begins with church in a few min.
2.My birthday is next Monday
3.Cleaning, Cleaning, and more Cleaning
4.A e-mailing habit
5.Growing to God more and more each day
7.missing 1 teacher, Mrs.Cassidy
8. Half of a rainy Spring Break
9.My baby cousin will be 4 in June and stills says I'm Lana's boy!How sweet!
10.Good Newz Club is now over!Oh,Man!!!
11.A whole week off of school
12.Half of the school year is over!!!!

Hey Everybody!

Spring Break is here!I'm wishing everybody a wonderful Spring Break!!!!!!!

Saturday, March 28, 2009


Best Friend
always truthful
loving always
every second is cool
your a great friend

Sunday, March 15, 2009

My Invitation

Have you heard the invitation today?Well I sure have!!That small soft,gentle voice of our Mighty savior calling us toward him!Sometimes I yell and want to pull my hair out!But its not good when you don't sit down anywhere calm yourself down, and talk about it!God is always their nomatter where you are so tell him your Lifesong and he might tell you his!


Me and my best friend in the whole wide world,Mckenna went to a Woodruff vs. Landrum baseball game our good friend Trent was playing!WE HAD A GREAT TIME! P.S Beva went 2!


This Sunday was amazing!I saw sssssooooo many kids really foucusing on God! That just made me want to cry tears of joy!One little girl was singing her heart out to Jesus! Isn't that amazing! Also in Good Newz Club, that my church prouduces ssssssssssssssssssssoooooooooooooo many children through kindergarden- 4th grade were worshiping in their own ways!I can't even tell you how many kids opened their livews to God!!!!!!!!!!
I can do all things who Christ who strengths me!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

My friend, Mckenna

A friend.........
is a person
who knows what your saying,
even if you are not talking

Understands your feelings..
even if you don't understand,
your own feelings

will always forgive you,
usally before you forgive

You bring something
amazing and lasting into my life-
( Unknown Author)

Its Snowing!

I am ssssssssssssssssoooooooooo glad its snowing!I hope you all have a good day playing in the snow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Me and My Dad Going Snorkling

Me and My  Dad Going Snorkling